Live, Love, Thrive! Header

I am overjoyed to share mental health healing and spiritual alignment services to aid in your, and the world’s, holistic ascension!

These services are not from me to you, but through me for you. I am honored to have the chance to serve as a conduit between you and your Divinity.

Throughout our sessions, individuals learn how to attune to their inner wisdom, allowing us all to access our most salient guides: ourselves.

I highly encourage my teammates (clients) to practice the tools we explore in our sessions on their own, to exercise their intuitive muscles, and harness their potent powers.

Heal to Live

Learn to Love Life

Thrive through Life

Live: Heal to Live

Live services help us live through each day. We move from struggling to surviving and start rising from bed secure in the knowing that we have the internal and external resources and support to make it through each day.

To Understand and Update

Trapped Energies and Emotions

Limiting Beliefs, Self-Doubt

Blockages to Living Authentically

Sources of Stress

Patterns that no longer aid your Highest, Healthiest, Happiest Life

  • The Chakra system originates in ancient Indian traditions, and translates to “wheel.” There are seven main chakras, or wheels of life force energy, throughout the body. Each chakra corresponds to different aspects of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. When the chakras are balanced, one experiences overall health and harmony. Imbalances—whether they be under or over-active— result in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dysregulation.

    First, we will review each chakra to determine its balance, whether it's under-active or over-active, using mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual indicators. Then, we clear any energetic blockages that may hinder balancing a particular chakra and ritualize an initiation into harmonic flow.

    We discuss mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual practices to balance the flow of each chakra. At the end of the session, I will provide customized tools and resources for you to continue achieving a balanced flow.

  • In this session, we’ll explore your current needs and reasons for seeking meditation. I’ll guide you through a personalized meditation designed to help you achieve the balance and alignment you're seeking. Whether you’re looking to reset after a challenging conversation, clear a cloudy mind, or boost composure and confidence before an important meeting, this tailored experience will support your well-being and focus to embody your most radiant self.

  • Do you feel tired, stressed, or sad, but do not know why? You may be taking on the emotions and energies of others, which can drain our reserves and distract us from our present and personal priorities. Learn how to protect your energy, restore your vitality, and care for yourself so you can more effectively care for all.

  • We are a reflection of all we've ever been. In this session, you’ll learn to nurture every stage of your life from the empowered and capable person you are today. By healing past pain and unprocessed emotions, you’ll free your present self to fully embrace vitality, joy, and presence. Reconnect with your inner child to rediscover playfulness, peace, and love. Experience the freedom and joy that may have felt out of reach, transforming your present and future with newfound lightness and self-compassion.

  • The stories we tell ourselves define how we experience life. While we can’t change the past, we can change how we view it. This session will help you re-write the narrative of your past to shape a more empowered present and future. By reframing challenges as sources of resilience, insight, and growth, you’ll use evidence-based psychology to shift limiting beliefs and build a powerful, supportive story. Transforming your inner story shifts your perspective from limitation to possibility, reclaiming your power and purpose, and enhancing your growth and fulfillment.

  • How we see ourselves colors how we see the world. In this session, you’ll learn to release self-judgment, embrace your humanity, and cultivate unconditional self-love. Through techniques rooted in psychology and mindfulness, you’ll discover the freedom that comes from fully accepting yourself, the power and positive patterns that come from self-esteem, and the love it enables you to extend to others. When you learn to love and accept yourself, you begin to treat others with the same kindness and compassion. This creates a ripple effect, cultivating more peace and empathy in your relationships and the world at large.

  • Sound sleep is crucial for optimal performance and well-being. If you’ve tried conventional methods like meditation, melatonin, hot baths, and herbal teas without success, this session offers alternative solutions. Using energetic protection techniques, you’ll discover new ways to address the root causes of insomnia. Drawing from my own journey from chronic restlessness to restful sleep, I’ll guide you through methods that promote deep, rejuvenating rest. Experience transformative tools that help you overcome sleepless nights and embrace peaceful, restorative sleep.

Love: Learn to Love Life

Love services open us to the love that abounds in each day. We spring out of bed eager to enjoy the abundant love the world has to offer. We learn how to build lives that generate vitality, purpose, and joy with ease.

To Increase:

Compassion and Love for Others

Self-Worth and Self-Love

Clarity and Confidence in Communication

Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

Spirituality and Faith

Emotional Stability / Resilience / Equanimity

Sense of Security, Home, and Support

Connection with Inner Child

Purpose, Ease, and Joy

Courage and Willpower


  • Gratitude has powerful effects on our brain chemistry, fostering positive emotions and resilience. This guided meditation teaches you to focus on the things you’re grateful for, creating a feedback loop that invites even more reasons for gratitude into your life. Living in a state of gratitude not only enhances your personal happiness but also spreads positivity to those around you. Gratitude creates abundance, and by practicing it daily, you help to foster a more joyful and generous world.

  • In this session, we’ll explore your current needs and reasons for seeking meditation. I’ll guide you through a personalized meditation designed to help you achieve the balance and alignment you're seeking. Whether you’re looking to reset after a challenging conversation, clear a cloudy mind, or boost composure and confidence before an important meeting, this tailored experience will support your well-being and focus to embody your most radiant self.

  • Divine Life Alignment occurs when we follow our souls and share our hearts and minds. I believe we are all born into this world at a particular time and place, with certain family, circumstances, experiences, interests, passions, and personalities to serve the world in a unique way that only we can. The special service each individual can provide is the authentic expression of one’s mind, heart, and soul. Divine Life Alignment involves transitioning from mindlessly coasting through patriarchal and capitalistic values into consciously living a soul-led life.

    In Divine Life Alignment Cheerleading, I offer mental health and esoteric resources, support, and services to help you live your soul-led life. We review all aspects of your life and identify where and how greater alignment is possible. As a cheerleader, we celebrate your success and I facilitate your self-coaching journey by providing methods to connect with your inner guide while supporting you throughout your journey.

  • Loving-kindness meditation transforms how we view ourselves and others, fostering deeper compassion and connection. Through this session, you’ll learn to extend kindness and love to yourself, loved ones, and even those you struggle with, cultivating peace and understanding. By practicing loving-kindness, you soften the boundaries between yourself and others. This creates a more compassionate, interconnected world, where understanding and kindness become the foundation of our shared human experience.

  • Change is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In this session, you’ll develop resilience-building skills to navigate life’s transitions with grace. Learn to accept change, grieve with gratitude, self-soothe, and recognize the opportunities that come when one door closes. By strengthening your emotional resilience, you’ll be better equipped to handle life’s highs and lows, finding peace and purpose even in uncertainty.

  • Journaling is a transformative tool for well-being, helping you process emotions, enhance self-awareness, and spark creativity. Journaling grants you access to deeper layers of yourself, leading to greater clarity and emotional regulation. As you connect more deeply with your inner world, you show up with greater compassion and understanding in your outer world, positively impacting your relationships and surroundings. In this session, you’ll explore a variety of journaling methods and find one that aligns with your style, making it a sustainable practice in your daily life. 

Thrive: Love Living Your Highest Life

Thrive services help us embody our highest, healthiest, happiest selves. We wake smiling, ready to sing and dance, enchanted by the ceaseless magic and miracles we are endlessly blessed to encounter, manifesting our greatest dreams.

To Embody:


Creativity, Sensuality, and Passion

Optimism, Confidence, Excitement for Life



Harmonious Living

Unconditional Love




  • In this session, we’ll explore your current needs and reasons for seeking meditation. I’ll guide you through a personalized meditation designed to help you achieve the balance and alignment you're seeking. Whether you’re looking to reset after a challenging conversation, clear a cloudy mind, or boost composure and confidence before an important meeting, this tailored experience will support your well-being and focus to embody your most radiant self.

  • Using the Dharma Blueprint — a concept of duty and cosmic law with roots in Hindu and Buddhist traditions dating back 3,000 years — this service reveals your soul’s unique mission. We delve into what truly fulfills you and how to realign your life with this deeper purpose. By clarifying your purpose, you’ll experience renewed motivation, momentum, and harmony in manifesting your truest desires. Aligning with your soul’s purpose not only fosters personal joy and direction but also contributes to collective upliftment.

  • Within each of us exists our Highest self — the healthiest, happiest, most authentic version that naturally creates positive change. In this session, you’ll meet that self and gain insights into key shifts needed to embody it daily. Through spiritual guidance, psychological insights, and neuroscience-based tools, you’ll align with your Highest self, cultivating harmonious relationships and inspiring others through your authenticity. This elevated state inspires a ripple effect of growth and transformation, benefiting you, those around you, and the world.

  • Our environments profoundly influence our mental and emotional well-being. In this session, you’ll learn to design spaces that nourish your soul, blending psychology, energy awareness, and intentional design principles. Whether it's your home, workspace, personal altar, or even a temporary space while traveling, you’ll discover how to cultivate environments that support your growth and restore your energy. Create sacred spaces wherever life takes you to foster peace, balance, and well-being.

  • Tarot is a powerful tool for connecting with the Divine within and throughout. With a rich history dating back to the 15th century, the 78 cards offer wisdom ranging from broad, overarching themes to specific daily insights. Each reading reveals the circumstances at play, helps identify opportunities, and guides through challenges to bring greater alignment and clarity.

    These readings uniquely position each card as a positive opportunity for deeper Divine connection, no matter the message. Each session offers an honest yet uplifting experience, designed to uncover insights that lead to the highest path. Tarot highlights one’s innate power and connection to Divine guidance, leaving individuals empowered while honoring the truth. Along with a customized summary, practical tools are provided to help integrate the advice and move forward with confidence.

  • Michaela met me in my vulnerability without judgment.

    “Michaela's energy radiates warmth, filling the space and creating a safe and welcoming environment. Her guided meditation dispelled my nervousness and brought me into the present moment.

    During the reading, Michaela met me in my vulnerability without judgment. She empowered the exploration of my soul and interpretation of the cards, helping me crystalize and synthesize disparate thoughts, feelings, and emotions into a coherent understanding of myself and my path forward.

    I am immensely grateful to her and the time, perspective, and energy she generously gave me."

    - Conor B.

  • Michaela is incredibly understanding, listens very well and always provides honest guidance.

    “Michaela is incredibly understanding, listens very well, is well prepared for each session, and is always provides honest guidance. Michaela is also very flexible with what I need from each session whether it is to delve into a particular topic, doing some visualisations, unpacking a certain scenario and/or a deeper meditation.”

  • I am in a much steadier and happy place!

    “After each session, I always feel refreshed and grounded, and after the past fifteen, I have felt I have my life purpose and focus in order, and know how to overcome future situations and challenges that may arise. I am feeling in a much steadier and happy place!”

  • It feels like I am talking to an old friend.

    “Michaela is very understanding and considerate by the experiences I have described, is genuinely caring in wanting me to be my best self and to succeed with all of the life goals set out. It feels like I am talking to an old friend who has been travelling on a similar path with a positively unique and alternative way of seeing the World!”

  • I love the Divine Life Alignment notes that Michaela sends after each session.

    “I love the Divine Life Alignment notes that Michaela sends after each session (especially the designs and layout), other resources such as books to read and/or podcasts to listen to, as well as the flow chart that Michaela made up which included things and life that help me. The resources with dot point questions relating to my career, life, relationship and family goals are also super helpful!”

  • I certainly feel a lot more grounded, relaxed, centered, happy and focused.

    “The session was fun, informative and I certainly feel a lot more grounded, relaxed, centered, happy and focused after the session.”

  • She gave me great comfort that I really required.

    “I appreciated Michaela’s support and comfort. She understood me. She gave me great comfort that I really required. “

  • I realized I fit. I'm not alone.

    “I was anxious and nervous at the beginning. After our session I had a smile on my face ☺️ I realized I fit. I'm not alone. I have tools to work with and relieve my conscious.”

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