Live, Love, Thrive
Team Mentorships


Michaela Kennedy Cuomo Chakra Balancing

Live, Love, Thrive Team Mentorships

Join our heart-centered virtual team mentorships, where you'll receive uplifting guidance and tools to live, love, and thrive—supported by a community of teammates cheering you on every step of the way. These live sessions provide a sacred space to grow together, aligning your energy, mindset, and spirit to create a more balanced and fulfilling life. Each program invites you to connect deeply with yourself and others, while practicing tools that empower you to make meaningful shifts in all areas of life. With the strength of this network behind you, you’ll feel supported, seen, and inspired as you rise into your highest potential.

The 2025 Energetic Alignment Collective: 10-Week Chakra Balancing

  • Make 2025 Twenty-Twenty-Thrive with this 10-week chakra balancing journey, designed to empower each participant to achieve aligned energy in all realms of life—mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. By using the ancient Chakra system, we will explore and balance the seven energy centers that govern these different areas. Each week, we’ll dive into a specific chakra to uncover the effects of imbalance—whether overactive or underactive—and identify personalized opportunities for growth. Through weekly virtual meetings, participants will learn to fine-tune their energy, using proven techniques that lead to greater harmony, clarity, and flow across all aspects of life. Along the way, we’ll build a supportive environment that encourages shared growth and deeper self-awareness.

    • Week 1: Introduction to Chakras & Why Balance Matters
      Gain insight into how the chakra system can be a map for personal transformation, unlocking a more balanced, fulfilling experience of life.

    • Weeks 2-8: Chakra Focus (Root to Crown)
      Each week, we’ll focus on one chakra, exploring its qualities, diagnosing imbalance, and practicing exercises to bring it into alignment. Homework includes energy self-assessment, reflective journaling, and chakra-specific practices that encourage real-world application.

      • Week 2: Root Chakra (Muladhara) – Survival, stability, security, grounding, physical health, connection to the earth and basic needs.

      • Week 3: Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) – Creativity, pleasure, emotions, relationships, sensuality, and passion.

      • Week 4: Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) – Personal power, self-confidence, willpower, identity, autonomy, and purpose.

      • Week 5: Heart Chakra (Anahata) – Love, compassion, empathy, relationships, emotional balance, and forgiveness.

      • Week 6: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) – Communication, self-expression, truth, authenticity, and clarity in expressing thoughts and feelings.

      • Week 7: Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) – Intuition, insight, imagination, wisdom, perception, and connection to higher consciousness.

      • Week 8: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) – Spiritual connection, enlightenment, awareness, divine purpose, and unity with the universe.

    • Week 9: Embodiment
      This week is about deep integration. We’ll review what we’ve learned and discuss challenges, achievements, and strategies for maintaining alignment across all chakras. The focus will be on embodying the changes to create long-term harmony in every aspect of your life.

    Week 10: Support Structure & Celebration
    We’ll review progress, identify personalized support structures for continued alignment, and celebrate the journey of transformation. This final session will leave participants with a toolkit for ongoing chakra work and a sense of community to lean on moving forward.

    • 10 Sessions, January 15th, 2025 - March 19th, 2025

    • $1110 Value for $888

    • Early Bird Special: Sign up before December 2024 for $777

    • Limited Spots: Group of 8 participants

    • Weekly day and time will be determined based on team availability

Join the 2025
Energetic Alignment Collective!

Corporate Alignment

Bring transformative mental, emotional, and spiritual services to you and your colleagues to harness personal passion and purpose for peak individual and team performance. Personal growth and professional success go hand in hand, leading to a more motivated, satisfied, and high-performing team. Seize this offering to help you and your professional teammates rise in accelerated harmony!

  • 1. Discover Soul Goals

    Identify what motivates and nourishes each individual, aligning personal values and passions with their work

    2. Align Roles with Personal Purpose

    Analyze how individual roles in the workplace advance personal aspirations, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment

    3. Tailored Resources for Growth

    Compose individualized resources to integrate personal purpose with professional responsibilities, enhancing professional productivity and personal life satisfaction

    4. Dynamic Team Building Workshops

    Virtual and in-person team-building workshops tailored to your workplace’s strengths, aspirations, and needs to foster community, collective growth, and a supportive team environment

  • We discuss your company's goals, what is going well among your team, and where opportunities for more effective and efficient performance exist. Once I have a clear vision of your mission, vision, and values, I propose plans to help your team achieve their highest potential. 

    • Increased personal and professional satisfaction

    • Revitalized purpose and passion in professional pursuits

    • Increased productivity and peak performance at work

    • Clearer and kinder communication among teammates

    • Resources for continual realignment and growth

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